Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TNB namewee

Hell girl season 2 ending song

Ghost rider's bike VS Eragon bike(American Chopper Season 4 ep 18@19)

Well, sometimes I wonder which bike is better on one day when I watch American Chopper on the TV which one is BETTER a ghost rider's bike or a American Chopper ? Well, for my personal oppinion the Ghost rider's bike is much cooler and somehow I kind of like the style it was created .............. Well it you choice......

A new begining in the blog space

Finally created a blog ........ althought this suppose to be created long ago(about two years ago) but due to some circumstances the creation of this blog is delayed ................................ Well if you ask me why the URL and title is Emo or Weird.......well that should explain why I'm having such a Emo personality in real life is. As for the weird large number of new post in one day,it is another complicated case that I going to post later ............Whatever it is hope evryone enjoy my blog........